Elly Nelly (Etsy)

I think these wall decals from elly nelly are clever.

Lets clean:)

I hope all of you had a great Christmas!! I definitely did.
How exciting to think that we are days away from a brand new year! Around this time every year I get the bug to clean, organize and brighten up my spaces. The image below really inspires me to do just that.

Maries Verden

2 Lovelies

Hope your weekend is going good! I am sure all of you are running around doing last minute things like myself. Wherever you are and whatever your doing I encourage you to bless someone that maybe you are not even that close with. Even if its just making cookies for them or giving them a gift card for a cup of coffee. You never know what a little thoughtfulness will do for someone. I know that it would make my day:)
Enjoy these 2 images.
I love this mural.
I would love to add these to a pillow.
Stopping by in the midst of doing a thousand holiday errands to say Have a Blessed Day!!!!
Image Via Ellmania

And the winner is........

number 9, Diana from Please Sir!! Send me your address Diana!!! Congrats:)


How cute is this idea!!!??

via Bloesem


Amanda over at Swish and Swanky has been holding a super fun Christmas feature on her blog. Check out my interview with Amanda here.

SG's Giveaway will end tomorrow at noon so make sure you comment!! I will announce the winner tomorrow night.

I just found this flickr set on Design is Mine and thought it was pretty rad.
Enjoy your morning everyone!!!!

flickr friday : o, christmas tree! by indierocket.


My next Giveaway is fabulous! Spunky Sprout is giving this Pigeon Light, $105 value, to one lucky Simply Grove reader. (Check out the other colors here.) All you have to do is leave me a message regarding your favorite Christmas tradition. Also SG readers get a 10% discount at Spunky Sprout. The discount code is simplygrove10. Have fun:)

And the winner is.........

Megan from A Life's Design!! Congrats Megan! Send me your address:)


While visiting my family In Bend Oregon I made a stop at this cutie shop. Pomegranate is a lovely little shop and especially lovely during the holidays. They had an endless assortment of goodies and luxury's!! I give this shop 2 thumbs up:)

The Pet Kit Giveaway will end tonight and I will announce the winner tomorrow morning. Please check back Sunday for another Giveaway that I think you will all LOVE!!


My husband and I just got a puppy this week for the family for Christmas. I love him!! His name is Bear and he is a Yorkie Pom. He looks like a little stuffed bear. (No, He is NOT the giveaway!!!)

So now I am into everything for pets. My next Giveaway is just that. Danielle White from FirstAidLive.com was kind enough to donate there Pet First Aid Kit for this next giveaway. What a great item to keep or give. This Kit is PACKED FULL of great stuff for your pet. Go here for more info about there company and here for the detailed list of this Kit.

All you need to do to win is leave me a comment giving a brief description of the color scheme of your Christmas tree. Easy huh? Hope you win!
(Come back to see images of my house during the holiday.....if you even care. hehe.)