Monika Eyers

Did I grab your attention with that one influential word? If you said no then your lying!! Just kidding:) But the truth is we all love Domino. We look forward to receiving our newest issue and soaking it all in.
Many of you recognize the name Monika Eyers as an editor for Domino. Well lucky for you, you get to learn a little more about her in this post. She is simply a fabulous person so please enjoy this interview with Monika.

How long have you been an Editor for Domino Magazine?
I joined the magazine in June 2004 as a Market Editor. There were just a few of us on staff in those days and we used to sit around the conference table brainstorming ideas for how the magazine should look, be organized, etc. It was during this time that I came up with the Monika Finds It column (which Eugenia has brilliantly taken over since I moved to London). We worked for nearly a year before finally launching the first issue in Spring 2005. It's a great experience to work on the launch of a new magazine and it's been amazing to watch how it's grown in such a short time (there's even a book coming out this month)! I eventually graduated to a Senior Editor before heading off to London where I am now a Contributing Editor covering the UK and Europe.

What does a typical day for you include?
Life today is 180 degrees from my days in New York! I was a happy workaholic at Domino, which is easy to become when you have such a fun job. Days involved researching story ideas, pounding the pavement in search of great new shops and products, preparing inspiration boards for various stories, meeting with publicists, going to launch parties, etc. All of which culminated in photo shoots for the magazine every month. A busy bee indeed!

Since moving to London, I've gone from the hare to the tortoise which was been an interesting change. I work from home now so the day usually begins with a coffee and Larry King (it's on in the morning here), then a jog in Holland Park and "office hours" in the afternoon to bridge the morning in New York. I have found the change of scenery incredibly inspiring so I'm always sending ideas back to the office. I still scout shops for beautiful things to report back on, and meet with publicists often to keep in the loop, but I'm no longer running around like a headless chicken. And I'm always shamelessly asking people "how's your house??" in hopes of finding a gem!

How do you define great style?
Any room, no matter what style, needs a balance of proportion and scale but for the truly stylish, I think one look is easy to pull off, it's the blending that is an art. Throwing it a bit off kilter, adding an element of surprise, a dash of the unexpected… Even the most classic iconic room, outfit, whatever, is better if something unexpected is thrown in. Mastering the art of that, while avoiding an overt identity crisis, is what I consider great style.

How do you define your style?
Dare I use the exhausted phrase "boho chic" but it does capture the look I tend to favor. I love classic elements mixed with ethnic accents (rugs, poufs, textiles) and, adhering to the aforementioned rule, a modernist element to break it all up (like my sleek B&B Italia sofa). This combination is pretty much my signature look no matter where I'm living - in New York it was a modern loft and now in London it's a traditional Georgian flat.

Who are your style icons?
I think a style icon surpasses the boundaries of just dressing well or just decorating a house well. They are who you look to for inspiration holistically and they make everything look so easy. For me, two people that embody this are Carolina Irving and Diana Vreeland.

While I've never me her, I so admire Irving's aesthetic and seemingly effortless ability to make disparate things flow together seamlessly. She has such a great eye and a clever edit of the choices before her. Every time I see a photo of her home or her fabric collection or her outfits, I just think "genius!"

I've also read a lot about Diana Vreeland and find her absolutely fascinating. The term maverick has been popularized in today's political sphere and Vreeland epitomized a maverick in her day. Her strength, confidence and gumption in business, fashion and her home were aw-inspiring. She made her own rules and flew by the seat of her pants with an uncanny ability to make over the top opulence feel as natural as the day is long.

Carolina Irving

What is your favorite item in your home right now?

My Julian Chichester "Dakota" dining table. I needed an oval pedestal table to fit the space and searched high and low for the perfect piece. I love the Saarinen but wanted something a bit less modern. This table is the same shape but with a rosewood top and a shiny hammered nickel base. It's classic meets The Jetsons.

Favorite place to live?
Having spent a number of summers in the Hamptons on New York's Long Island, I fantasize about living out there full time some day. I've just always loved how it's on the beach with beautiful little village towns and great restaurants, shopping and galleries; but also very country, with farms, fields and vineyards everywhere. It's like the best of both worlds and is as lovely off season as on.

Who would you like to meet and have lunch with?
I always wanted to sit down with Ilse Crawford at something more intimate than a press party. Then we did have lunch once, at her home no less, and I swear I could hardly speak. When you lunch with someone you've long admired it is SO intimidating, no matter how nice they are and how cool you'd like to think you'll play it!

What would people be surprised to know about you?

I have a fear of impending doom! I'm always afraid that something bad will happen. Someone will break in, we'll get into an accident, a bus will explode on the street just as I'm walking by (seriously), the plane is going to crash, there's probably a shark in the water, the list goes on and on and on….

Favorite coffee or Tea drink?
Daily, it would be a grande skinny wet latte with a dash of vanilla powder from Starbucks. Ever, it would be Jamaican Blue Mountain drip coffee (which I did a Monika Finds It on once) – it's beyond delicious.

What is one goal you have for this next year?
To go on Safari! I have such wanderlust and I really want to take this time while I'm living in London to experience the world a bit. My two big prerequisites before returning to the States are to see India (where I'm off to next week) and to go on Safari.

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